I noticed there’s no hours for Lent. Will you make one or is it stored somewhere? I don’t know how to say the prayers after Ave Regina Caelorum.

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I haven't recorded it. Last year I left off saying the little Office due to the septuagesima 70 commitments. I'm away from home this week, but I'll see if I can make a recording of the prayers after the Ave Regina Caelorum.

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Veronica, I notice that there was no Christmas Collect for Compline in the book I purchase from you. However, The Angelus Press has one.

Should there be one?

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You're right - it's not the reprints, its the PDF ones from littleoffice.brandt.id.au

Thanks for spotting that.

I'll update the PDFs.

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I've been saying the "Deus, qui salutis aeterne..." collect for Christmas. Pretty sure it's the same for all hours. Which book do you have? The Benziger one or the Richard Grace one? I'll have a look at them.

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I praise God for making you an instrument to leading souls like me to grow closer to Our Mother!

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Deo Gratias!

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Here's a short recording of the Ave Regina with versicle and collect : https://youtu.be/NkOMNos06_Q

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