Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary
M2/3-N3-A - Matins, 2nd third, for Wed/Sat in Advent

M2/3-N3-A - Matins, 2nd third, for Wed/Sat in Advent

The third psalm in the third nocturn has a different Antiphon in Advent

More new recordings for Advent.

It seems expedient to divide up the Matins recordings into 3 parts. It makes it easier for me to upload just the parts that need updating for each season.

Also, when listening to the recordings, I can sing the first part while getting ready, then start with the second part when I head off in the car.

I could stitch them together to make all the combinations for the year if the three part thing is too tricky to navigate.

For now, this is the third nocturn with the change in antiphon for Advent.

There are also variations with regard to different versions of the office. Before 1915 there were a few more psalms in Lauds. Before 1962 there were more Kyrie Eleisons and a commemoration of All Saints at Lauds and Vespers.

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Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Recordings of the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary from the 1962 version sung in Latin.
Cantare Officium Parvum Beatae Mariae Virginis.